09.95 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.4.3 Diagnosis/service MD (data description - as from SW 3)
Status word 1
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
0000 FFFF Hex
after ramp-up
of 611D link
This machine data contains the low-order status bits (bits 0 - 15) of the cyclical status word at
the interface between SERVO and 611D.
Bit 0 Status class 1 (ZK 1) message 0 : off
1 : on
Bits 1-6 Assigned to or reserved for internal system functions
Bit 7 - SW 4 Motor switchover active 0 : off
1 : on
Bit 8
Bit 9
Bit 10
Bit 11 - SW 4
Set-up mode actual
Ramp-function generator rapid stop actual
2nd torque limit actual
Speed setpoint smoothing (filter 1) actual
0 : off
1 : on
Bits 12-15 Assigned to or reserved for internal system functions
Status word 2
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
0000 FFFF Hex
after ramp-up
of 611D link
This machine data contains the high-order status bits (bits 16-31) of the cyclical status word at
the interface between SERVO and 611D.
Bits 0-2 Set of actual parameters 0 to 7Dec
Bit 3 Motor selection actual 0 : star
1 : delta
Bit 4 Assigned to or reserved for internal system functions
Bit 5
Bit 6
Bit 7
Bit 8
Bit 9
Drive ready
Integrator inhibit actual
Pulse enable actual
Current controller enable actual
Speed controller enable actual
0 : off
1 : on
Bit 10 Command variable actual 0 : torque
1 : speed
Bit 11 Master/slave operation actual
Bit 12 - SW 4
Bit 13
U/f operation
Travel against fixed stop actual
0 : off
1 : on
Bit 14 C axis mode actual
Bit 15 - SW 4 Independent braking initiated (generative stop) 0 : off
1 : on
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