09.95 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.2.2 FDD MD (data description - SW 3)
Bit 0 Control unit enable (internal module function), including marking according to
MD 1003, bit 5
Bit 1 Image terminal 663 (module-specific pulse suppression IMPFR)
Bit 2 Image terminal 63/48 of I/RF unit (central drive pulse suppression REIMSP)
Bit 3 Sum signal pulse enable: Stored hardware sum signal
Axial pulse enable by PLC via 611D control
Bit 4 "Heat sink of power section XKKT too hot" message: Low active signal
Bit 5 Image terminal 112 of I/RF unit (set-up mode message XEINR):
Low active signal
Bit 6 Image terminal 64/63 of I/RF unit (Central drive enable setpoint = 0)
Bit 7 Not assigned
Bit 8 Image terminal 5 of I/RF unit (motor/power section temperature prewarning X12T):
Low active signal
Bits 9-15 Not assigned
DC link voltage
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
0 0000 32 767 V
at once
This machine data is used to display the voltage level at the DC link in normal or set-up mode.
The DC-link voltage UDClink is measured continuously.
Motor temperature
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
0 0000 32 767 °C
at once
This machine data is used to display the motor temperature. The motor temperature is
measured by appropriate sensors and evaluated in the drive.
Speed setpoint
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
0.0 0 32 767.0 rev/min
at once
This machine data is used to display the speed setpoint which represents the unfiltered
summation setpoint. It comprises the component of the position controller output and the
speed feedforward control arm. Time-synchronous unlatching (scanning) of machine data MD
1706, MD 1707 and MD 1708 is not provided. The appropriate machine data is unlatched by
the read request of the non-cyclical communications protocol.
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