10.94 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.1.2 MSD MD (data description - SW 3)
With a setting of, for example, 100 %, the rated torque acts as the torque limit up to rated
speed. At speeds above the rated value, the torque limit curve drops in proportion to 1/n so
that the rated output is reached in each case. MD 270 - MD 273, MD 47 and MD 290 are the
corresponding machine data.
Generative limitation motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
100 5 100 %
at once
Input of torque limit for braking operation (generator-mode torque limit). This input value is
referred to the maximum motor-mode torque (see also MD 269).
2nd torque limiting value motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
50 5 100 %
at once
Input of 2nd torque limit value referred to the 1st torque limit (MD 269). This 2nd torque limit
can be selected via the PLC control word and machine data MD 290.
Switchover speed for MD 270 motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
500 0 Maximum motor
speed rev/min
at once
Input of speed above which the generator-mode limit set in machine data MD 270 is applied
(see also MD 269).
Hysteresis MD 272 motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
20 0 Maximum motor
speed rev/min
at once
Input of hysteresis for the switchover speed set in machine data MD 272 (see also MD 269).
Cut-in speed torque setpoint smoothing motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
4 000 0 Maximum motor
speed rev/min
at once
Input of speed value above which the torque setpoint smoothing function activated in machine
data MD 44 is applied.
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