10 Axis and Spindle Installation 11.92
10.2.10 Influence on the modes/function
”DRF” function
In "DRF" mode, the handwheel pulses are also weighted with the display resolution of the
selected axis. If the input resolution is greater than the display resolution (e.g. input resolution
10-2 mm, position control resolution 0.5 · 10-3), no DRF is possible.
Input resolution Display resolution
10-2 1000
10-3 0100
10-2 1000
10-2 1000
10-3 0100
10-2 1000
10-3 0100
10-4 0010
10-4 0010 Increments 1 and 10 no function
10-4 0010 Increment 1 no function
10-3 0100 Increment 1 no function
10-4 0010 Increments 1 and 10 no function
10-4 0011 Increment 1 no function
10-5 1010 Without function handwheel not possible
10-5 1010 Increments 1 and 10 no function
10-5 1010 Increment 1 no function
”Preset” function
The "Preset" mode can be used to shift control zero to an arbitrary point in the machine
coordinate system. The Preset offset may comprise no more than 8 decades (plus sign). An
alarm is issued if more than 8 decades are entered.
The following value ranges must be observed when specifying a preset value for rotary axes.
Input resolution Value range
10-2 degr. 0 ... 359.99
10-3 degr. 0 ... 359.999
10-4 degr. 0 ... 359.9999
10-5 degr. 0 ... 359.99999
10-6 degr. 0 ... 359.999999
”Play back” function
In this mode, position values approached in jog mode are transferred to the part program. The
input resolution determines the number of decimal places with which the coordinate values are
transferred to the part program. The number of decimal places is identical for all axes, and is
independent of the display or position control resolution. A maximum of 8 decades can be
transferred as position value to the part program. Where applicable, decimal places are not
transferred to the part program.
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