12 Functional Descriptions 10.94
12.18.5 Curve-gearbox interpolation (CGI) (SW 4 and higher)
The R parameter can be either the output quantity of an IKA positioned upstream (cascade) or
any other quantity which is assigned a default value or changed from the process (PLC) or the
part program.
Input A can be additionally weighted by means of T No. 18 or 19. This weighting function can
be used to implement a scaling factor of input quantity A.
A modulo compensation and an offset can be provided or programmed for input A. The zero
offsets and tool offsets available in the system cannot be applied to input A since the input
quantity always refers to the absolute actual value or setpoint of an address. A start position or
a start value of the input quantity can be specified as the ON condition (operating principle
analogous to position-related G402 for GI).
IKA input quantity B (not applicable to CGI) allows the value read from the table
to be weighted variably. For this purpose, this input B can be supplied by
an absolute axis setpoint position or
an R parameter.
If variable weighting is not configured, the calculation is based on a constant, internal
quantity (as specified in IKA T parameter). Weighting = 1
GI/IKA link branches:
Interconnection options for IKA/GI link branches
Leading axis Link types Gear ratios
1st axis
5th axis
Fixed via link ratio
Preselection via
IKA table output
FA Following Axis
GI link branches
IKA link branches
Using programming measures with G401, it is possible to configure GI link branches (as with
previous SW versions) as well as non-linear IKA link branches. IKA link branches can be
defined next to GI link branches, the number of branches being limited to 5. The link types
specified for GI branches are K1 to K4 and those for GI/IKA branches K11 (setpoint link) and
K12 (actual value link). Both IKA input quantity A and the IKA output quantity (setpoint for
an axis) are absolute axis positions when programmed with G401. Due to this extension, all G
functions from G400 to G403 are extended by the IKA link branches. It is not possible to
connect input B in these cases (G400 to G403).
The following table gives an overview of possible GI/IKA link structures.
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