7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD) 10.94
7.1.2 MSD MD (data description - SW 3)
Integral-action time upper adaptation speed motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
80 5 6 000 ms
at once
Input of integral-action time for the upper adaptation speed. This machine data contains the
integral-action time at speeds above the value set in MD 284 (see diagram MD 203).
Reduction factor reset time motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
100 1 200 %
at once
Input of integral-action time reduction factor for the upper adaptation speed. This machine data
contains the multiplication factor for the integral-action time characteristic (see diagram
MD 203).
Switching speed from Md1 to Md2 motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
4 x motor rated
speed 0Motor maximum
speed rev/min
at once
Input of speed at which switchover from the 1st torque limit (MD 269) to the 2nd torque limit
(MD 271) takes place. This switchover is implemented only if the appropriate bit has been set
in the control word and the switchover speed set in MD 290 has been exceeded.
Maximum motor temperature motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
Depends on motor 0 170 °C
at once
Input of maximum motor temperature. The value entered can be lower the maximum
temperature value calculated via the motor code number (MD 238) and motor data set. If the
specified temperature is exceeded, the "Motor overtemperature" prewarning is output after
approximately 30 s (provided it is activated) or the "Motor overtemperature" alarm given after
the delay set in machine data MD 65.
Switchover speed current controller adaptation motor 2
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
MD 232 500 10 000 rev/min
at once
Input of switchover speed for the current controller adaptation. The phase current controller
gain is adapted as a function of speed. The specified speed is the speed at which the phase
current controllers reach their maximum gain.
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