Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50
Note A list of the individual NC machine data is given on the following pages. The
machine data are grouped according to their functions within these areas. The
functions of the individual machine data are described in the section entitled NC
Machine Data where they are listed alphanumerically. A number of machine data
depend on the parameter set (see Selecting a displayed parameter number).
(1) NC MD/General NC MD
Softkey General This softkey contains dimension unit, system clock, general
basic MD basic and PLC function machine data.
Softkey This softkey contains various face axis function machine data.
Face axis functions
Softkey This softkey contains various operating mode machine data.
Softkey This softkey contains various keyswitch machine data for
Keyswitch defining the input disable.
Softkey This softkey contains function activation, thread, programming,
Technology MD position signal, mixed I/O and KISP machine data.
Softkey This softkey contains different computer link machine data.
Computer link
(2) NC-MD/Geometry motion
Softkey This softkey contains various geometry machine data.
Geometry MD
Softkey Coupled This softkey contains various coupled motion combination
motion combination machine data.
Softkey Coordinate This softkey contains various coordinate transformation
transformation machine data.
Softkey Override This softkey contains feedrate override and spindle override machine data.
Softkey This softkey contains various tool offset machine data.
Tool offset
(3) NC-MD/Channel
Softkey Basic MD This softkey contains various channel basic machine data.
Softkey This softkey contains output auxiliary function, fast auxiliary
auxiliary functions function and block search machine data.
Softkey This softkey contains axis assignment and spindle assignment
Multichannel display multichannel display machine data.
Softkey Initial This softkey contains initial setting machine data for various
setting G group G groups.
(4) NC-MD/Axis
Softkey Basic MD This softkey contains units of measurement, system clock, setpoint/actual value
assignment, general basic, face axis, rotary axis, indexing axis, mixed I/O
switchover signal and leading axis machine data.
Softkey Monitoring This softkey contains referencing, software limit switch, general
limitation monitoring and measuring loop machine data.
Softkey This softkey contains various velocity machine data.
Softkey This softkey contains adaptation actual value 1/actual value 2
Measuring system and encoder/absolute encoder machine data.
5 Machine Data Dialog (MDD as from SW 3)
5.2.2 NC machine data