12 Functional Descriptions 04.96
12.25.3 Functional description
12.25.3 Functional description
Assignment of data to memory areas
The data are stored partly in the static RAM and partly in the dynamic RAM. Now that the
"Flexible memory configuration" function has been introduced, the assignment of data to
SRAM/DRAM memory space is as follows:
Data type Memory area
UMS data
Part programs
IKA data
Measured value data
Drive SW
Block buffers
Real axes
Extended overstore
DRAM with approx. 1/5 MB
R parameters
TO data SRAM with 64 KB
12.25.4 Memory configuration on control power-up
The memory is configured when:
Control is switched off
Forced booting of NCK
Selection of "Reconfig. memory" SK in MDD!
The memory configuration data are stored in a similar way, for example, to the ASM file, on
the disk in the Siemens or user branch in directory NC/data in the TEA1 file NCMEMCFG.
The data are stored in punch tape format in the same way as, for example, the standard MDs.
N60000 = 64*
N61000 = 23 N62000 = 0
N60001 = 176*
N61001 = 23 N62001 = 0
N60002 = 4000 N61002 = 23 N62002 = 0
N60003 = 0 N61003 = 23 N62003 = 0
N60004 = 0 N61004 = 23 :
N60005 = 819 N61005 = 23 :
N60006 = 10 N61020 = 1 :
N60007 = 700 N61021 = 1 N62028 = 0
N60008 = 600 N61022 = 0 N62029 = 0
N60009 = 0 to61025
N60010 = 0
N60011 = 0
N60013 = 15
The default setting of MD 60009 to 60011 is zero because it is not possible to make allowance
for the memory configuration of the various NC modules in this case.
The Siemens values for the memory configuration allow for the size of the Siemens ASM file
and define a standard memory configuration which is based on the NC module with 4MB
storage capacity and assumes that no digital drives are connected:
*) MD 60000 and 60001 are weighted by the factor 4 KB (= 4096). Internal values of 64 and 176 therefore
correspond to 256 KB and 704 KB respectively.
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