07.97 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.3.2 Drive MD (data description)
Symmetr.calc.deadtime I-controller
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
0.0 0.0 1.0
at once
Selection of a filter in the speed feedforward control channel to simulate the calculation dead
time of the current control loop. Effective only when the speed/torque feedforward control
function is active.
MD 1004, bit 0.
Machine data MD 1425 (input: Calculation dead time referred to speed controller cycle) allows
the setpoint response in the speed feedforward control channel of the speed controller to be
adapted to the controlled system performance of the closed speed control loop, thus ensuring
symmetrization of the higher-level speed control loop.
Tolerance band for nset = nact signal
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
20.0 0.0 10 000.0 rev/min
at once
Input of threshold value for the tolerance band of PLC status signals "nact = nmin" and
"Power-up procedure completed". The signal "nset = nact" is activated if the actual speed
value enters the tolerance band set around the speed setpoint and remains there for a period
corresponding to the delay time set in MD 1427. The signal is deactivated as soon as the
actual speed leaves the tolerance band. The delay time is applied only if the ramp-function
generator executes the edge change active passive.
The "Power-up procedure completed" signal is activated at the same time as the "nset = nact"
signal; however, it is locked in the active state until the next setpoint change, even if the actual
speed value leaves the tolerance band. The "Power-up procedure completed" signal is
deactivated immediately if the setpoint changes.
Functionality in as from SW 6
As long as the control signals that the speed setpoint is being adjusted, the tolerance band is
”frozen” at the last setpoint value. The signal is cleared when the setpoint leaves the tolerance
band. It therefore does not drop out when the setpoint jumps within a tolerance range.
See also ramp-up measurement, MD 1723: ACTUAL_RAMP_TIME
Delay time nset = nact signal
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
200.0 0.0 500.0 ms
at once
Input of delay time for response of nset = nact signal depending on tolerance band
(MD 1426).
Threshold torque Mdx
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
90.0 0.0 100.0 %
at once
Input of setting value (specified as percentage) for machine data "Threshold torque". This
machine data defines the torque limit value at which the message "Md < Mdx" is deactivated.
The input value is referred to the presently valid torque limit value. Analogously to this value,
the maximum permissible torque is dependent on the working point above the rated speed
value in the constant power (field weakening) range, thus resulting in a threshold torque curve
which drops in relation to the 1/n function or from the breakdown torque 1/n2.
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