12 Functional Descriptions 09.95
12.19.5 Interpolation and compensation with tables Data structures and data assignment
The functions of IKA and IKA Stage 2 are parameterized by the user via the individual data
types depending on the functions that he wants.
The sum of the data types can be divided into three data areas.
%IKA1 Definition of IKA configuration
%IKA2 Definition of compensation curves (IKA curve)
%IKA3 Definition of compensation points (IKA points)
This data area comprises all the definitions for the 32 possible IKA configurations (IKA1 to
IKA32). In this data area, a parameter block exists for every IKA configuration. This data area
can be partly parameterized by G functions in the part program.
The compensation points for each of the 32 possible compensation curves (IKP1 to IKP32)
can be selected via the start and end pointers and combined to produce the actual control
This data area represents the sum of all the used and unused compensation points.
The data area range can be defined via the flexible memory configuration. The maximum
configuration consists of 65 535 value pairs, each of which consists of the position of the input
quantity and the associated value of the output quantity. Data access
The data areas %IKA1, %IKA2 und %IKA3 can be read and write-accessed in the following
Via operator panel/machine data dialog IKA configurations
IKA curve pointers
IKA points
Via part program
- with @ 30c/@ 40c IKA configurations
IKA curve pointers
IKA points
- with G functionsG410/G411/G412 and IKA configurations
for CGI G400/G401/G402/G403
Via MMC/data transfer IKA configurations
IKA curve pointers
IKA points
From PLC via command channel (fct. no. 10 and 11) - IKA configurations
Via OEM applications
You will find a description of this procedure in the OEM documentation for the SINUMERIK
840C: Users Guide and Reference Guide.
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