7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD) 12.93
7.1.2 MSD MD (data description - SW 3)
Selection transient recorder
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
0000 0000 0001 Hex
at once
This machine data is provided to activate the transient recorder function with which two signals
can be recorded in a 1 ms cycle for a limited time period.
Conditions with respect to status (start, stop and trigger conditions) for the transient recorder
function must be set in machine data MD 207 to MD 218.
0: Transient recorder function deactivated
1: Transient recorder function activated
Setting transient recorder
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
0000 0000 0010 Hex
at once
Input of operating mode of transient recorder.
The following functions can be selected:
1H: The recording can be started immediately via MD 206 without start or stop conditions.
2H: After MD 206 has been set, the recording does not start until the start condition (MD
208, MD 209) has been fulfilled. Recording takes place without a stop condition.
4H: The recorder memories can be preset with this setting. The contents of MD 217 are
written to the recorder memories.
5H: After MD 206 has been set, the recording starts immediately until the stop condition
(MD 210, MD 211) has been fulfilled.
6H: With this setting, recording takes place with both a start and stop condition.
Address for start condition
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
0000 0000 FFFF Hex
at once
Input of address for the variable which is significant for starting the recording (see also
MD 206).
Threshold for start condition
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
0000 0000 FFFF Hex
at once
Input of threshold (value) with which the contents of the variable specified in MD 208 are
compared in order to initiate the recording (see also MD 206).
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