04.96 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.3.2 Drive MD (data description)
Significance speed representation
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
0.0 -100000.0 100000.0 rev/min
at once
This machine data is used to display the significance of the speed representation. The user is
informed of the significance of bit 0 (internal speed actual value representation) so that he can
assign the internal speed status representation to the physical rotation values. A speed is
available internally in the units of the encoder system and referred to the currently valid speed
controller cycle.
This machine data is calculated only once during power-up; it cannot therefore be changed
during operation.
Significance rotor flux represent.
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
0.0 -100000.0 100000.0 µVs
at once
This machine data is used to display the significance of the rotor flux representation. The user
is informed of the significance of bit 0 so that he can assign the internal rotor flux status
representation to the physical values in Vs. The rotor flux scaling is available as an internal
This machine data is calculated only once during power-up and from the power ON data after
every motor switchover.
Significance torque representation
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
0.0 -100000.0 100000.0 µNm
at once
This machine data is used to display the significance of the torque representation. The user is
informed of the percentage significance of bit 0 so that he can assign the internal torque status
This machine data is calculated only once during power-up from power ON data.
Significance rotor position representation
Default value Lower output limit Upper output limit Units
- -100000.0 100000.0 Degrees
at once
This machine data is the display data of the significance of the rotor position representation.
The user is given the significance of bit 0 so that he can assign the internal representation of
the rotor position to the physical values in electrical degrees.
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