12 Functional Descriptions 10.94
12.18.12 Programming
NC MD 1852*/527* can be set such that tool length compensation, zero offsets and the
preset/DRF values are calculated into the synchronous position of the following drive. It is
also possible to specify the reference system in which the synchronous positions must be
programmed. (Only for G403, not PLC, IS)
After LINK OFF, axis synchronization for the following axis must be executed prior to
absolute programming of the following axis. This synchronization process is activated with
When the CONTROLLER ENABLE command is not available or when the following drive is
in the FOLLOW-UP or PARKING AXIS mode, the leading drive cannot be traversed either.
Link factor
The following drive velocity is determined by the magnitude of link factors KF1...KF5 and
the velocities of the leading drives.
One or several link factors (KF) can be changed in an NC program block for a gearbox
configuration. Any unspecified link factors remain unchanged.
Following drive path I
Link factor KF = ––––––––––––––––––––= –––
Leading drive path J
The link factor units for the various drive configurations are as follows; they are
independent of the position control and input resolutions of the drives:
Following drive Leading drive Link factor unit
Linear axis Linear axis mm/mm
Linear axis Rotary axis,
spindle mm/deg
Rotary axis,
spindle Linear axis deg/mm
Rotary axis,
spindle Rotary axis,
spindle deg/deg
The interpolation parameters I and J must be specified in the G function or the input
display. Format: 8 decimal places + point + sign (floating-point representation)
Permissible value range for KF: ±0.00000001 to ±10.000000
There is no upward limit on the link factor. For reasons of accuracy, the link factor KF
should be 1, i.e. when the measuring systems of the leading and following drives have
the same resolution, one increment of the leading drive should not correspond to several
increments of the following drive.
The link factor must be specified complete with numerator and denominator.
Gearbox chain
A gearbox chain should be programmed in the same order as the setpoints are to be
generated afterwards. In other words, the GI grouping at the start of the gearbox chain
must be programmed (G402) first, followed by the GI grouping of which the leading drive
acts as the following drive in the first GI grouping, etc.
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