6 NC Machine Data (NC MD), NC Setting Data (NC SD) 09.95
6.6.1 General MD bits (general bits)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit No.
from PLC
without NC
JOG mode
INC and
REF in
JOG mode
TO type 0
with type
CC with
mode group
disable (as
from SW 5)
Effect of
specific (as
from SW 2)
Default value: 0100 0000
Bits 7-5 become active: At once
Bit 7 Bit 7 = 0 Displacement path from PLC (via command channel) is started in
AUTOM./MDA mode only when the preselected NC channel has an NC
STOP status. The displacement path is not started if the NC channel is
stopped with only a read-in disable at the end of the block.
Bit 7 = 1 Displacement path from PLC (via command channel) is started in
AUTOM./MDA mode on a NC STOP or with a read-in disable at the end
of the block. The occurrence of a situation in which displacement path
from PLC was selected, the read-in disable was set, and the current
part program block was prematurely aborted due to an NC STOP (tool
breakage, "NC STOP" key, etc.) now becomes feasible, in which case
the displacement path from PLC function would be started at once
rather than at the end of the block. It is therefore recommended that bit
7 not be set.
Bit 6 Bit 6 = 0 In the REPOS function (JOG mode), return to the contour is initiated by
brief pressing of the relevant direction key. Axis movement can
subsequently be halted only via either feed hold or feedrate
override 0%.
Bit 6 = 1 Return to the contour is performed only as long as the relevant direction
key is held down.
Bit 5 Same as bit 6 but for functions INC1 ... 10 000 and reference point
approach (JOG mode).
Bit 4 Bit 4 = 0 If no TO type is specified, alarm 2060 is issued when called in the NC
Bit 4 = 1 WZK-Typ wirkt wie Typ 20
If TO type 0 is specified, the tool is interpreted as type 20 and no alarm
is issued. The TO type remains 0 in the tool offset memory. Radius and
length compensation are assigned as for 20.
Bit 3 Bit 3 = 1 Command channel error 200 with detailed error coding 14-18 is
Bit 0 Bit 0 = 1 Cancel key channel-specific
Bit 0 = 0 Cancel key NC-specific (standard)
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