Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50 9–55
SINUMERIK 840C (IA) Start-up of neural QEC
You can select the Neural quadrant error compensation function for axes with
this softkey.
Fig. 9.30
Explanation/Notes The input/information output display Learn has the same structure as the Mea-
surement displays in the other axial start-up functions. The inputs in this display
determine in which way the traverse enabling commands for the function genera-
tor are generated (internally PLC). In addition, the monitored traversing range
limits can be parameterized. The present position actual value (cyclically up-
dated) is displayed.
The learning process takes place on an axial basis; there is no mutual influence
between axes.
The Start softkey initiates the automatic learning process by the neuronal net-
work provided the QEC function is activated by means of bit 0, NC-MD 18120 (bit
can be set under the Contr.para NC softkey). If this sequence is not observed,
then error message QEC bits not set is output.
When the automatic learning process is started, a check is also made whether
the speed feedforward control is parameterized and activated. If this is not the
case, the function is aborted with error message 160106 Feedforward control
not activated”.
For safety reasons, the user must still select the enabling commands set in the
toggle field after he has actuated softkey Start since traversing motions must not
be started through the selection of softkeys alone.
The traversing motions determined by the test signal (see learning process) are
executed during the learning process. At this point in time, the learning phase of
the neuronal network is automatically activated, i.e. the learning phase activation
bit (NC-MD 18120, bit 1) is not taken into account.
After the function generator has stopped, the setting selected beforehand via the
NC-MD activation bit becomes effective again.
The traversing motion can be interrupted by means of the Stop softkey and with
the other start-up functions (e.g. NC stop, Reset key, etc.).
9 Drive Servo Start-Up Application (as from SW 3)
9.5.4 Neural quadrant error compensation (QEC SW 4)