12 Functional Descriptions 11.92
12.1.2 Functional description
K5 K16 K20 K24
Traverse path
= 0
+ +
Reference point
Tolerance band e.g. 10 µm
Compensated curve
Compensation value e.g. 5 µm
Commencing at the reference point and proceeding in a negative direction, the error curve
runs to the end of the traverse path within the tolerance band. No compensation is necessary.
A better result is obtained through positive compensation at K3. To stick as closely as possible
to 0 error, compensation in a positive direction of travel must be negative at K6, positive at
K16 and K17, negative at K20, and positive again at K24.
The following machine data must be set:
Option leadscrew errror compensation
NC MD 3161 = 1 (to define K5 as reference point)
NC MD 3241 = 10000 (10 mm spacing)
NC MD 3281 = 5 (compensation value 5 µm for position control resolution of
1/2 x 10-3 mm)
NC MD 6000 = 00 11 00 00 (positive compensation at K3)
NC MD 6001 = 00 00 10 00 (negative compensation at K6; bits 0 and 1 must be 0)
NC MD 6002 = 0 no compensation
NC MD 6003 = 0 no compensation
NC MD 6004 = 00 00 11 11 ( positive compensation at K16 and K17)
NC MD 6005 = 00 00 10 00 (negative compensation at K20)
NC MD 6006 = 00 00 11 00 ( positive compensation at K24)
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