7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD) 07.97
7.3.2 Drive MD (data description)
Corner freq. curr. act. val. smooth.
Default value Lower input value Upper input value Units
100.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz
at once
Input of -3dB corner frequency fo of cross-current actual value smoothing function (PT1 low-
pass) for display purposes. Time constant T1 of the PT1 filter is calculated from the formula
T1 = 1/(2 fo). The cross-current actual value is displayed in machine data "Smoothed current
actual value" (MD 1708). The smoothed cross-current actual value is likewise transferred to
the PLC data channel. This machine data has no effect on the control.
The filter is deactivated if values of < 1 Hz are entered.
Time constant motor load (as from SW 6)
Default value Lower input value Upper input value Units
0.0 0.0 1 000.0 ms
at once
The set time constant is used to smooth the motor load signal (MD 1722) in order to obtain a
steadier display.
Corner freq. torque setp. smoothing
Default value Lower input value Upper input value Units
100.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz
at once
Input of -3dB corner frequency fo of torque setpoint smoothing function (PT1 low-pass) for
display purposes. Time constant T1 of the PT1 filter is calculated from the formula T1 =
1/(2 fo). The smoothed value is transferred to the PLC data channel. This machine data has
no effect on the control.
The filter is deactivated if values of < 1 Hz are entered.
Time constant current monitoring
Default value Lower input value Upper input value Units
0.5 0.0 2.0 ms
at once
Smoothing of current space vector for its monitoring (error 300501). Smoothing is used to
prevent unauthorized triggering of the monitoring when the current suddenly changes because
of the application, e.g. low-inductance, high-speed asynchronous motors.
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