09.95 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.3.2 Drive MD (data description)
Bandwidth current setpoint filter 4
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
500.0 5.0 7 999.0 Hz
at once
Input of -3dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 4 (band-stop). The filter is activated in
machine data MD 1200 (No. current setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (Type current setpoint filter).
When 0 is entered for the bandwidth, the filter is parameterized as a proportional element with
a gain of 1.
Numerator bandwidth current setpoint filter 4
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
0.0 0.0 7 999.0 Hz
at once
Input of numerator bandwidth for the damped band-stop. When a value of 0 is entered, the
filter is initialized as an undamped band-stop. The filter is activated via machine data MD 1200
(No. setpoint current filters) and MD 1201 (Type current setpoint filter).
The value entered in MD 1221 (numerator bandwidth current setpoint filter 4) must not be
higher than twice the value entered in MD 1220 (Bandwidth current setpoint filter 4).
1st torque limiting value
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
100.0 5.0 900.0 %
at once
Input of maximum permissible torque referred to the normalized torque of the motor. Since the
power and breakdown torque limitations (MD 1235, MD 1236, MD 1145) are active in the
upper speed range, this machine data is significant only in the lower speed range. The default
value is set such that the acceleration torque is active up to rated speed for feed drives and
the rated torque up to rated speed for main spindle drives; the power and breakdown torque
limitations are then effective from rated speed onwards for both drive types.
The default setting for main spindle drives is 100 %; the default setting for feed drives is
implemented by means of "Calculate controller data" which determines the value by means
of the following formula:
MD 1104
FDD: MD X230 = –––––––––– x 100%
MD 1118
Since the current limit (MSD - MD 1238, FDD - MD 1104) also limits the maximum torque
which can be specified, an increase in the torque limit may, in some cases, only result in a
higher torque if the current limit can also be raised.
The following applies particularly to feed drives: In order to achieve significantly shorter ramp-
up times to maximum speed, the power and current limits must also be raised.
Overloading of the motor for long periods may lead to an inadmissibly high temperature rise
(shutdown on motor overtemperature) and even cause irreparable damage to the motor.
Corresponding machine data are MD 1104, MD 1145 and MD 1231 to MD 1239.
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