12 Functional Descriptions 11.92
12.6.5 Machine data for fictitious axes
12.6.5 Machine data for fictitious axes
MD 224* Software limit switch
MD 228* Software limit switch
MD 232* Software limit switch
MD 236* Software limit switch
The software limit switch need not be input if the fictitious working
area is outside the real possible working area, as the control always
restricts the fictitious software limit switch to the limit switch of the
A1R axis (linear axis of transformation).
MD 276* Acceleration
The acceleration value must be calculated in such a way that the
real axes of transformation are not overloaded (minimum
acceleration value of A1R to A5R).
MD 280* Maximum speed
MD 288* JOG speed
MD 292* Rapid JOG
The speeds can be freely selected, as they are monitored by the
MD 304* IPO parameter
MD 360* Operating mode group of the axis
MD 564* Bit 6 Fictitious axes
The axis is declared as a ”fictitious axis”.
Fictitious axes have no position control. The MD 200* measuring
circuit assignment is therefore meaningless.
MD 564* Bit 7 Axis exists
MD 568* Encoding of the axis name
MD 576* Axis not permitted in channel
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