12 Functional Descriptions 01.99
12.29 Extension of inprocess measurement (SW 4 and higher)
12.29 Extension of inprocess measurement (SW 4 and higher)
The "Extended inprocess measurement" function
is an option.
Extended measurement (as from SW 6)
The new ”extended in-process measurement” function allows for the simultaneous processing
of any number of measured values on a maximum of 5 axes and for sequential recording and
storing in the R parameter field.
For detailed information about the programming syntax please refer to the SINUMERIK 840C
documentation: Programming Guide, section 8.19.5 Extended measurement (G720/G72/G722).
12.29.1 Functional description
The following functions are available for extended in-process measurement:
1. Measurements only within the programmed traversing movement of the measuring block:
Measurement is stopped when the programmed number of measurements has been
completed. The programmed traversing movement is discontinued through internal delete
distance-to-go and a block change is executed.
N100 G91 C1=90 F3 G720 MT=1 MF=-1 X1=Z1=Y MS=1099 MS=1199
MS=1299 MA=100
The programmed traverse path is traveled independent of measuring. At the end of the
programmed traversing movement measuring is discontinued even if the programmed
number of measurements has not been completed and a block change is executed.
N100 G91 C1=90 F3 G721 MT=1 MF=1 X1=Z1=Y MS=1099 MS=1199
MS=1299 MA=100
2. Measurements parallel to traversing movements across block limits
A traversing movement may be but must not be programmed within the measuring block.
A block change will follow either immediately or at the end of the programmed traversing
movement. Measuring is stopped when the programmed number of measurements has
been completed. This has no influence on traversing movements.
N100 G91 C1=90 F3 G722 MT=1 MF=-1 X1=Z1=Y MS=1099 MS=1199
MS=1299 MA=100 N110 G91 C1=90 F3
N100 G722 MT=1 MF=-1 X1=Z1=Y MS=1099 MS=1199 MS=1299 MA=100
N110 G91 C1=90 F3
N120 G91 C1=-90 F3
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