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machine data, place the cursor on a free or an occupied line. Then select the re-
quired function using the softkey Insert/overwrite and then enter the machine
data number.
Jump back to the user displays using the Save softkey and the Recall key and
the machine data is then displayed with text.
You can define customer-specific intermediate headings in the list. These hea-
dings are marked with H+No., e.g. H0 8 you insert a space line.
List of header With the softkey VIEW ONLY under SERVICES/DATA MANAGEMENT and
texts H... the paths
SIEMENS/list module/TEA1/ENGLISH/tea1head
SIEMENS/list module/TEA2/ENGLISH/tea2head
SIEMENS/list module/TEA3/ENGLISH/tea3head
you can view and select one of the existing header texts.
Please refer to the OEM User Documentation for infor-
mation on configuring customer-specific text lines and
Note The display and the MDD data displayed can be reconfigured using the function
Configure list module”.
Please refer to Section 4, subsection Configuring the list module for the MDD”.
5 Machine Data Dialog (MDD as from SW 3)
5.7.1 Edit list