11.92 12 Functional Descriptions
12.6.6 NC PLC interface signals
12.6.6 NC PLC interface signals
In the case of fictitious axes, only the signals ”JOG, rapid overlay and handwheel 1,2 and
the input interface” are processed.
The output interface is neglected. The signal ”Reference point reached” is permanently
set to 1.
The program including the transformation is not stopped if the signal ”Axis disable” is set
for a real axis in the transformation grouping. In this way an offset occurs between the
transformation and the position control and it can be eliminated only by selecting
If a real axis in the transformation grouping is switched into closed-loop control from the
follow-up mode, a reverse transformation of the fictitious coordinates occurs automatically.
If ”Feed hold” is applied to a real axis in the transformation grouping, this applies to the
entire grouping.
When ”Delete distance-to-go” occurs, the fictitious distances-to-go are cleared.
The signal ”Transformation active” is set in the channel-specific interface NC PLC for
every channel in which the transformation is active (see also Interface Description).
Warm restart is possible when transformation is selected if the transformation grouping
does not change the operating mode group.
Command channel
In order to traverse a fictitious axis in JOG mode, the relevant transformation must first be
activated in the channel assigned via machine data. The activation, i.e. the
selection/deselection, of the transformation is a function mode of the command channel.
Selection of coordinate transformation from the command channel is described in the
Interface Description, Part 1 "Signals".
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