6 NC Machine Data (NC MD), NC Setting Data (NC SD) 01.99
6.7.1 Axis-specific MD bits 2 (axial bits 2)
Bit No.
Linear scale
(as from
SW 6.3)
set switch-
over (as from
SW 4)
NC MD 1828* bit 1: This bit is only used for linear axes with ENDAT absolute encoders.
Bit 1 Bit 1=1 Linear scale not available. Maximum traversing range of this axis is then + / -
half of the maximum traversing range of the absolute encoder, symmetrical
around the zero position.
Bit 1=0 Linear scale available. The traversing range of this axis does not have to be
set symmetrically around the zero position. The maximum traversing range is
calculated to: + / - the traversing range of the absolute encoder/8* MD 1264*.
Bit 0 Bit 0=1 Extended parameter set switchover
Bit 0=0 Gear stages/parameter set switchover as in SW 1 - 3
Parameter set switchover is only possible with the option bit.
Active: After Power On


SW 6.3)

Actual value
reading axis
2nd measur-
ing system
Actual value
reading axis
1st measur-
ing system
2nd measur-
ing system
1st measur-
ing system
PT2 contour
NC MD Bit No.
Bit 4 Bit 4=1 This axis is an actual value reading axis at the 2nd measuring system
connection (NC MD 1388*). The restrictions for reading axes therefore apply.
Bit 4=0 This axis has unrestricted use of the 2nd measuring system connection (NC
MD 1388*)
Bit 3 Bit 3=1 This axis is an actual value reading axis at the 1st measuring system
connection (NC MD 200*). The restrictions for reading axes therefore apply.
Bit 3=0 This axis has unrestricted use of the 1st measuring system connection (NC
MD 200*).
Bit 2 Bit 2=1 Multiple assignment of the 2nd measuring system connection of this axis (NC
MD 1388*) is permitted with digital drives. When using this measuring system
connection only one of these axes must not have a Bit 4 setting under MD
1832*. Bit 4 must be set on all others.
Bit 2=0 Multiple assignment of the 2nd measuring system connection of this axis (NC
MD 1388*) is not permitted.
Bit 1 Bit 1=1 Multiple assignment of the 1st measuring system connection of this axis (NC
MD 200*) is permitted with digital drives. When using this measuring system
connection only one of these axes must not have a Bit 3 setting under MD
1832*. Bit 3 must be set on all others.
Bit 1=0 Multiple assignment of the 1st measuring system connection of this axis (NC
MD 200*) is not permitted.
Bit 0 Bit 0=1 The new PT2 contour monitoring is activated even if 0 is set under NC MD
3420*. By entering a compensation value between 1 and 600 under NC MD
3420*, the PT2 following error model will be calculated according to this
compensation value.
Bit 0=0 The existing contour monitoring is activated as long as 0 is set under NC MD
3420*. By entering a compensation value between 1 and 600 under NC MD
3420*, this will activate the improved PT1 contour monitoring.
Active: After Power On
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