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TPer TPer
Fig. 9.29
The test signal generates successive reversing processes which are executed at
an acceleration rate which slowly decreases over the three sections of the oper-
ating range.
The individual sections with time TPer are repeated according to a parameteriz-
able number of learn process runs (default setting: 15). Estimate values for the
required learning period are given under section heading Further optimization
and intervention options”.
The learning process is started on a menu-assisted basis (sequence of opera-
tions as for function generator). The end of the traversing motion is indicated by
the message Learning process complete. The training result can be checked
immediately by means of a circularity test.
Storage of information On completion of the learning process, the compensation data must be saved in
learned a boot file by means of file functions. This file is loaded after power ON by means
of a file transfer from the MMC to the neuronal network. The file functions also
allow the data to be stored in user files which can also be loaded to the neural
network, thus making it possible to store several learned characteristics for one
axis (e.g. for test purposes).
Notes After power OFF/ON, however, the characteristic from the boot file is always ac-
After data have been saved in the boot file, it is advisable to store them again in a
user file for two reasons. Firstly, data can be loaded from a boot file only through
the execution of an NCK reset and secondly, a back-up copy will then be avail-
able in the event of the boot file being accidentally erased or overwritten.
9 Drive Servo Start-Up Application (as from SW 3)
9.5.4 Neural quadrant error compensation (QEC SW 4)