12 Functional Descriptions 06.93
12.7.2 Description of the spindle modes Oscillation mode
The oscillation mode can be used with gear ratio changing to facilitate engagement of the gear
by oscillating the spindle.
When switching from open-loop control to oscillation control, the speed setpoint is first
reduced to zero at the deceleration ramp defined by the active acceleration time constant. The
oscillation speed setpoint is then output.
The request for the oscillation mode comes from the PLC. The PLC user program sets the IS:
OSCILLATION SPEED. The following conditions must be satisfied:
Parameter assignment
The motor setpoint for oscillation speed is issued by MD 450*. The sign of the setpoint,
and hence the direction of rotation, is determined by IS: SET ROTATION CW
There is no acceleration or speed limitation in the oscillation mode.
The spindle is actually oscillated by the setpoint being output with an alternating sign. This
has to be implemented in the PLC user program by inverting IS:SET ROTATION CW. Positioning mode (M19, M19 through several revolutions)
In the positioning mode, the spindle is driven to a preset position under position control and
stopped there. The position is reached either directly (M19) or through several revolutions
Position control and actual value acquisition
Actual value acquisition is needed for position control. Therefore, an encoder must be
mounted directly on the spindle.
The reference point for the angle measuring system is the zero mark of the encoder. A
permanent offset to the zero mark can be established by using the zero mark shift
(MD 459*).
The position is entered with an accuracy of 0.01
. The positioning accuracy achieved by
the spindle depends on a number of factors:
The resolution of the angle measuring system
The gain factor of the active gear ratio
The drift
The interfacing to the drive system.
Gear ratio changing cannot be employed in the positioning mode.
M19 must not be activated or programmed when the G96 function is active.
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