10.94 12 Functional Descriptions
12.18.12 Programming
If a following spindle is programmed, the only possible leading spindlemust also be programmed. If a link motion on the part of the leadingspindle is not desired, then a link factor of "0" must be specified.
The gearbox interpolation can be programmed from various sources and also configured within
specific limits. The possible sources are:
1. G function in part program or via MDA
2. PLC (interface signals)
3. Input display
4. Default setting via machine data
The following table shows an overview of the functionality provided by the individual sources.
Function Part
program PLC Input display Machine
Define configuration G 401
Erase configuration G 401
LINK ON total not referred to
position G 402
LINK ON total not referred to
position G 400
Selective LINK ON/OVER/OFF not
referred to position G 402
G 400
On-the-fly synchronization G 403 1)
Setting of link structure defaults
Enabling of reconfiguration
Enabling of link factor
Enabling of programmed
synchronous positions
Enable/disable FD overlay
Compensatory controller ON/OFF G 401 2)
: Possible : Not possible
1) Variable synchronous positions cannot be specified via the PLC
2) Only via definition of link type K3
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