Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50
Message ZK1 This display field contains the state of message state class 1 of cyclic status
word 1 (drive MD 11002.0).
Possible display range: off or on.
Pulse enable actual This display field contains the state of enabled pulses of cyclic status word 2
(drive MD 11003.7).
Possible display range: off or on
DC link This display field contains the status of the DC link (drive MD 11006.0).
Possible display range: off or on
Actual parameter set This display field contains the current actual parameter set of cyclic status word 2
(drive MD 11003.0–2).
Possible display range: 0 7
Actual motor selection This display field contains the actual motor type of cyclic status word 2 (drive MD
Possible display range: Y or D (8 star or delta)
Position actual value This display field contains the current positional actual value (SW 4: drive MD
12000). It is dependent on the position control of the rotary axis (NC MD 5640.5)
and position control resolution (NC MD 18000.03).
Speed actual value This display field contains the current speed actual value of the motor (SW 3:
drive MD 2/SW 4: drive MD 1707).
Speed setpoint This display field contains the current speed setpoint of the motor (SW 3: drive
MD 1/SW 4: drive MD 1706).
Capacity utilization This display field shows the capacity utilization of the main spindle drive. Up to
the rated speed, the ratio of torque to maximum torque is displayed, and above
the rated speed the ratio of power to maximum power is displayed
(SW 3: drive MD 4/SW 4: drive MD 1722).
Active power (SW 4) This display field shows the current active power (drive MD 11011).
Smoothed current This display field shows the smoothed current actual value in percent
actual value (SW 4) (drive MD 1708).
Motor temperature This display field shows the current motor temperature
(SW 3: drive MD 10/SW 4: drive MD 1702).
Status of binary This display field contains the state of the binary input (drive MD 11).
inputs (SW 3) Possible display range: 0000 FFFF
Display of active This display field contains the current status of active functions 1
functions 1 (SW 3) (drive MD 254).
Possible display range: 0000 FFFF
Display of active This display field contains the current status of active functions 2
functions 2 (SW 3) (drive MD 255).
Possible display range: 0000 FFFF
4 MMC Area Diagnosis
4.3 Drive service displays for spindle (MSD) and axis (FDD) as from SW 3)