6 NC Machine Data (NC MD), NC Setting Data (NC SD) 12.93
6.6.4 Axis-specific MD bits 1 (axial bits 1)
The axis name must be defined according to the table.
Example: 0000 0010=Z
0001 1001=Q1
Bit No.
Extended address
(address number)
blank = 0000
1 = 0001
2 = 0010
3 = 0011
4 = 0100
5 = 0101
6 = 0110
7 = 0111
8 = 1000
9 = 1001
10 = 1010
11 = 1011
12 = 1100
13 = 1101
14 = 1110
15 = 1111
Address name
X = 0000
Y = 0001
Z = 0010
A = 0011
B = 0100
C = 0101
U = 0110
V = 0111
W= 1000
Q = 1001
E = 1010
7 456 3 2 1 0
The names in MD 5000, MD 5001 and 568* must not overlap. Identical address names with
different address extensions are not regarded as overlaps.
For a list of permissible names, see NC MD 5000
Active: In the next block
Permissible names for axes, angle, chamfer and radius
AAssignable address N Subordinate block
BAssignable address O Danger of confusion with 0 (zero)
CAssignable address P Number of subroutine passes
D Tool offset number QAssignable address
EAssignable address R Arithmetic parameter
F Feed S Spindle speed, S function
G G function T Tool
H H function UAssignable address
I Interpolation parameter VAssignable address
J Interpolation parameter WAssignable address
K Interpolation parameter XAssignable address
L Subroutine YAssignable address
M M function ZAssignable address
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