12.93 12 Functional Descriptions
12.18.13 Start-up Full start-up procedure
Step Action Important information
1 Define position control
sampling time Following drive and
associated leading drives
must generally have the
same position control
sampling times.
2 Set drift compensation
(applies only to analog drives) Deactivate feedforward
control and link beforehand
3 Carry out general optimization
of axes and spindles Servo gain factor must be
correct (following error check)
4 Set feedforward control Check effect of feedforward
control on the following error
5 Match dynamic response of
individual drives With setpoint links, the
leading and following drives
must have the same dynamic
response (rise time).
6 Set the required machine
data Initial configuration must be
7 Optimize the compensatory
controller Switch on link and FD overlay
8 Calculate the time constants
of the parallel model Check synchronism error in
service display; deactivate
compensatory controller;
feedforward control must be
fully set
9 Define the GI monitoring
tolerances according to
manufacturer's data
Check in service display (indi-
vidual spindle/individual axis)
Synchronism error
10 Check the GI programming
functions Configuration;
Activate/deactivate link;
on-the-fly synchronization
11 Set the interlocks Interlocks, e.g. set
reconfiguration etc. (NC MD
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