11 Data Backup/CPU Replacement 01.99
11.1.1 Ways of backing up data
11.1.1 Ways of backing up data
BACKUP function
On the MMC CPU you will find a Centronics parallel interface (X122) to which you can
connect a VALITEK streamer. With a streamer you can make a backup copy of all files on
the hard disk (including the operating system and user data). You cannot copy individual
files with the BACKUP function. You can call the BACKUP function from within the
DIAGNOSIS area1). The function is only designed to work with the VALITEK streamer. The
VALITEK streamer is not included in the scope of supply but must be ordered as a
hardware option. If you copy a hard disk copy from the streamer back onto the hard disk,
all existing data on the hard disk is overwritten.
See also Section 10, Subsection BACKUP, of the Operator’s Guide.
As from SW 6, data can be saved in an external PC using the help function of the ”PC
link” user interface. See Section 4.6 for a detailed description.
Data backup with V24/20mA interface from MMC CPU to external backup devices
On the MMC CPU you will find two serial interfaces, one for the operator panel (X141) and
one for data exchange (X151). Via X151 you can only transfer the user data. You can
connect various devices (e.g. programmer, PC, etc.).
Under the softkey DATA INPUT/OUTPUT in the SERVICES area, you can also create
archive lists of your user data files. An archive list is a list of files (directories, workpieces
files and other files and even archive lists) that you can only read out via the V24/20mA
interface. When you read out an archive list the files listed are read out. When you read an
archive list in again the files are put back into their original directories and directories are
put back into their original position in the directory tree. It only makes sense to output
archive lists in PC format because only in this format is information on the original path of
files and directories output.
See the SINUMERIK 840C Operator’s Guide for a detailed description.
The interface is automatically switched between V24 and 20mA modes to match the cable
used. Two additional V24 interfaces are available if the MMC interface is used. Floppy disk
drive FD-E2 can be connected to the MMC interface.
Data backup with V24/20mA interface in the interface PLC or
This interface is only of interest for start-up and service.
With it, you can read out the PLC program in S5 format onto a programmer and make an
error diagnosis if PLC errors occur. It is not necessary to back up the PLC program
because it is normally stored on an EPROM. As from SW 3, the PLC program is saved on
hard disk. This serial interface is permanently active but you have to switch the
programmer ON-LINE.
Data transfer with IBM compatible PCs
Program description PC IN V3.0 can be ordered at the Werkstatt Fürth.
1) As from SW 3, a system backup and a user backup can be called.
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