Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197–jAA50 5–25
Note Any number from 1 to 15 (up to SW 4, from SW 5, 1-30) in any order can be
used for the drive number.
Power-up is performed and the bus initialized using the softkey Accept conf +
NCKPO. The message Start-up necessary is also displayed, i.e. the individual
axes and spindles connected to the drive bus do not have a machine data record.
The motor is selected via the Diagnosis/Start-up/Machine data/Drive MD softkeys
and axis (FDD) or spindle (MSD) in the motor/PS data display. In the case of the
axis (FDD), the order number of the connected motor is selected via the Select
motor softkey.
When you have confirmed the selection with ok, the message Transfer from PC
to NC in progress appears. All the FDD machine data, and with SW 4 and hig-
her, all MSD machine data, have now received standard preset values.
For the spindle (MSD), two motors and the number of pulses per revolution must
be entered under the menu Select motor. Only when the number of pulses per
revolution has been confirmed with ok are the other machine data preset
(general reset) from the list (SW 3 only) stored for the spindle (MSD) for the
motor selected. If 2nd motor not available is selected when the second motor is
selected, the general reset for the second motor is executed with the previously
entered motor (default value). This also applies to SW 3 only. With SW 4, no ma-
chine data are preset if a 2nd motor is not available.
Now use the Recall key to call up the drive configuration display and then press
the softkey Accept all + NCKPO. The boot file on the hard disk is updated.
Note In SW 3 the MSD data are backed up in the FEPROM. As from SW 4, the boot
data records for the FDD and MSD are backed up on the NCK hard disk only.
After start-up the drives are ready for operation (LED has gone out on the
individual modules). A drive that has already been installed can be reinstalled by
deleting the boot data record (delete boot drives) using the file functions and then
pressing the softkey NCK Power On.
Start-up: Loading a Load the user data record configuration in the drive configuration display using
user data record the Load from disk and Area config file functions. Accept conf + NCKP0 starts
up and initializes the bus. The message Start-up necessary then appears. Now
load the drive data using the Load from disk and Area drives file functions.
Complete this step by pressing the Accept all + NCKP0 softkey. After executing
an NCK Power On you must enter the password again (SW 3 only).
The following conditions apply when entering drive machine data:
SThe machine data are divided up into Power On and online data. The online
data are active immediately, whereas the Power On data are not activated
until a NCK Power On.
SThe described start-up procedure (select motor, load standard data) can be
executed at any time.
SIf the motor selection is executed for the spindle (MSD) after a successful
power-up (power-up status 5), the online active machine data are not
overwritten by the default values (SW 3 only).
Entering data for a If the spindle (MSD) is to be driven by an non-Siemens motor, i.e. the motor data
non-Siemens motor have to be altered, the machine data first have to be entered and then set to the
motor in question via Select motor (SW 3 only).
With SW 4, first the non-Siemens motor must be selected with Select motor,
then the corresponding machine data must be entered and start-up concluded
with the function Calculate controller data.
5 Machine Data Dialog (MDD – as from SW 3)
5.4.3 Axis/spindle start-up for the digital drive (as from SW 3)