Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197–jAA50 2-1
2 General Reset and Standard Start-Up
As from software version 3, machine data dialog is used for
the standard start-up.
For further details, refer to Machine Data Dialog (MDD)

2.1 First installation and start-up of control (as from SW 3)

Hardware The central units of the SINUMERIK 840C are designed in a modular way. For
system configuration, structure, slots, frame assignment, wiring diagrams, inter-
face assignment and I/O interfaces, please refer to the Interface Description,
Part 2 (NS 2).
Do not use other than the specified types of cable for connecting the components
according to the wiring overview (NS 2).
Software The standard version of the MMC CPU is programmed with the following standard
The system software can be read in from magnetic tape.
Further optional software can be ordered either preinstalled or on cartridges.
For further information, please refer to the Catalog.

2.1.1 Erasing the S-RAM area of the NCK (as from SW 6)

General notes In order to obtain a defined initial state when installing/upgrading the control you
must erase the S–RAM of the NCK–CPU. In this way you will avoid errors caused
by incorrectly initialized data.
Explanation The S–RAM of the NCK–CPU contains data that must be stored permanently in
the control, even after it has been switched off. These are user data (machine
data, R parameters, tool data ...) and internal data.
Pressing the softkey ”Format user data” on starting up the control only initializes
the user data, the other r areas remain partially undefined which can result in spo-
radic errors.
In SW 6 and higher, the S–RAM of the NCK–CPU is automatically deleted when
you update the software or when the CSB battery fails, thus providing a defined
initial state.
On initial start–up of the control after the software has been updated, alarm 10
”Start–up after software update” is displayed and the control powers up in start–
up mode. You must then perform a start–up of the control.
2 General Reset and Standard Start-Up
2.1 First installation and start-up of control (as from SW 3)