06.93 12 Functional Descriptions
12.5.2 Functional description
No warm restart is required following modification of the following MD:
104* TO area number (modification goes into force at once)
304* IPO parameter name (modification accepted after each NC block)
548* Name of horizontal axis ( " )
550* Name of perpendicular axis ( " )
552* Name of vertical axis ( " )
554* Axis with constant cutting speed ( " )
576* Axis not permitted in channel ( " )
A warm restart is possible only when all channels are in the RESET state, i.e. the PLC must
bring all channels to the RESET state, coupled motion and transformation must be deselected,
and all spindles must be brought to a standstill (when M19 is active) before the warm restart is
The RESET state must be maintained in all NC channels while a warm restart is in progress.
The number of axes cannot be altered while the warm restart function is being executed. This
is only possible with POWER ON RESET.
During a warm restart, the axial, spindle-specific interface and the EMERGENCY STOP signal
on the NC PLC and PLC NC interfaces are not processed (control is in RESET state).
Functional sequence of a warm restart
1. NC Data are written to NC MD 360* with the aid of CL 800 commands (can also be
implemented via PLC).
Auxiliary function for warm restart request is output, e.g. H1234.
2. PLC Auxiliary function is interpreted
The PLC writes to NC MD 360* (also possible over (NC)
Reset over PLC for all channels
3. NC All part programs are aborted (channels 1 to 16)
4. PLC User sets interface: "Warm restart" 1 (DB 48 DL0 bit 0)
5. NC Sets interface signal "Warm restart terminated" 1 (DB 48 DR2 bit 0)
6. PLC User resets interface: "Warm restart" 0
7. NC Resets interface "Warm restart terminated" 0
8. The warm restart has been completed and program execution may be resumed.
If incorrect machine data are encountered during a warm restart, the NC issues alarms 70 to
80. The acknowledgement signal "Warm restart terminated" is set. Once the machine data
that caused the error have been corrected, the alarm can be reset only by switching the
control off and then on again (POWER ON).
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