12.93 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.2.2 FDD MD (data description - SW 3)
Integral-action time speed controller
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
10 0 500 ms
at once
Input of integral-action time of speed control loop in the lower speed range (N < lower speed
threshold MD 1411). The integral-action times in the lower speed range (MD 1409) and the
upper speed range (MD 1410) are not subject to any mutual restrictions. See machine data
"Adaptation lower speed threshold" (MD 1411) for diagram.
Setting the integral-action time to zero deactivates the appropriate speed range (suppression
of integral gain and integrator contents = > torque step changes cannot be precluded - see
also Note in MD 1410).
MD 1409 is active over the entire speed range when the "Speed controller adaptation" is
deactivated (MD 1413 = 0).
When the adaptation function is active, deactivation of the I-action component for only one
speed range (MD 1409 = 0 and MD 1410 0 or vice versa) should be avoided (to prevent
problem of torque step changes through resetting of the integral value on transition from
adaptation to constant range).
Integral-action time upper adaptation speed
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
10 0 500 ms
at once
Input of integral-action time of speed control loop in upper speed range (N > upper speed
threshold MD 1412). The integral-action times in the lower speed range (MD 1409) and the
upper speed range (MD 1410) are not subject to any mutual restrictions. See machine data
"Adaptation lower speed threshold" (MD 1411) for diagram.
Setting the integral-action time to zero deactivates the I-action component for the range which
is greater than the machine data "Adaptation upper speed threshold (MD 1412) (see also Note
in MD 1409).
MD 1410 is not active when the "Speed controller adaptation" is deactivated (MD 1413 = 0).
When the adaptation function is active, deactivation of the I-action component for only one
speed range (MD 1409 = 0 and MD 1410 0 or vice versa) should be avoided (to prevent
problem of torque step changes through resetting of the integral value on transition from
adaptation to constant range).
Lower adaptation speed
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
0 0 7 200 rev/min
at once
Input of lower speed threshold for adaptation of the speed controller machine data. When the
adaptation function is active, the control machine data MD 1407 and MD 1409 are applied at
speeds n < MD 1411. In the adaptation range MD 1411 < n < MD 1412, linear interpolation
takes place between the two control machine data sets.
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