12.93 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.2.2 FDD MD (data description - SW 3)
Order No. Rated
speed Motor
code no.
nrated in
1FT6132-6AF7X-XXXX 3000 1212
1FT6061-6AH7X-XXXX 4500 1301
1FT6062-6AH7X-XXXX 4500 1302
1FT6064-6AH7X-XXXX 4500 1303
1FT6081-8AH7X-XXXX 4500 1304
1FT6082-8AH7X-XXXX 4500 1305
1FT6084-8AH7X-XXXX 4500 1306
1FT6086-8AH7X-XXXX 4500 1307
1FT6102-8AH7X-XXXX 4500 1308
1FT6031-6AK7X-XXXX 6000 1401
Order No. Rated
speed Motor
code no.
nrated in
1FT6034-6AK7X-XXXX 6000 1402
1FT6041-6AK7X-XXXX 6000 1403
1FT6044-6AK7X-XXXX 6000 1404
1FT6061-6AK7X-XXXX 6000 1405
1FT6062-6AK7X-XXXX 6000 1406
1FT6064-6AK7X-XXXX 6000 1407
1FT6081-8AK7X-XXXX 6000 1408
1FT6082-8AK7X-XXXX 6000 1409
1FT6084-8AK7X-XXXX 6000 1410
Motor rated current
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
1.0 0.0 500 A
at once
Input of rated current consumption (RMS value) in operation at rated torque and rated speed
as specified on the motor data sheet (non-Siemens motor) or automatic parameterization using
machine data "Motor code number" (MD 1102).
Maximum motor current
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
2.0 0.0 500 A
Active on
Power On
Input of maximum permissible motor current (RMS value) as specified on the motor data sheet
(non-Siemens motor) or automatic parameterization using machine data "Motor code number"
(MD 1102). To ensure reliable monitoring and limitation, the setting in this machine data should
not be reduced (see also MD 1105).
Reduction of maximum motor current
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
100 0 100 %
at once
Input of reduction factor for the maximum permissible motor current. The maximum motor
current (MD 1104) is the reference value for the specified percentage.
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