6 NC Machine Data (NC MD), NC Setting Data (NC SD) 12.93
6.1.3 Configuring information
Tasks performed by the master channel
Within a mode group, the channels are processed in ascending order. Internally, the first
channel of a mode group (the channel with the lowest number) assumes the role of master
If the signals
mode group
are specified in the master channel (DB 10 to DB 13) 1), they then also apply to all other
channels of this mode group.
Effects of Signal Reset:
Software version 1:
A reset command via the interface can only be defined in the master channel.
Effects of a reset command via the PLC in the master channel.
Processing of all channels in this mode group is aborted.
Any active channel and mode group specific reset alarms are acknowledged if the cause
of the alarm has been remedied.
Software version 2:
The function Channel Specific Reset is implemented with Software version 2 and higher.
This function makes it possible for the user to abort channel-specific processing via his PLC
user program without affecting processing in other channels in the mode group.
Mode group and DRF selection are still only possible in the master channel of the mode group.
Effects of a reset command via the PLC in a specific channel:
Processing in the channel is aborted.
Any active channel-specific reset alarms such as, for example, alarm 2062 ”Feedrate
missing” are acknowledged.
Mode group specific reset alarms such as, for example, alarm 122* ”Software limit switch
approached” are not acknowledged.
All channels of the mode group must receive a reset command at the same time to make it
possible to acknowledge mode group specific reset alarms such as, for example, alarm 148*
”Zero speed monitoring”.
The channel-specific reset command should only be executed via the PLC user program in
In all other modes and with alarms that acknowledge operating mode ready, the reset
command should be given to all channels of the mode group.
1) As from SW 4 DB10 - DB15
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