Service 2
Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50
Current actual value i_q (torque-producing)
Rotor flux setpoint
Rotor flux actual value (MSD only)
Current setpoint i_d
Current actual value i_d
Cross voltage U (q)
Longitudinal voltage U (d)
Current actual value i_r (Phase R)
Current actual value i_s (Phase S)
Torque setpoint limit
Active power
Capacity utilization M/Mmax
Motor temperature
Zero mark signal motor measuring system Shift factor 16
Bero signal
DC-link voltage
Rotor position signal (in $10 000 format with extrapolation; as from SW 6)
Voltage setpoint (as from SW 6)
Current setpoint (as from SW 6)
Notes The zero mark signal is connected to bit 7.
The cam bero signal is connected to bit 11 (for a 24-bit data word width this
means a shift factor of 11)
You can select the SIEMENS Service 2 function with this softkey
The SIEMENS Service 2 softkey function is relevant only
for SIEMENS servicing procedures and should be used
only after consultation via the hotline.
9 Drive Servo Start-Up Application (as from SW 3)
9.4 Mixed I/O configuration and digital-analog converter, DAC (as from SW 3)