06.93 12 Functional Descriptions
12.17.3 Spindle converter
These setting data can be altered via @311, @312, @411, @412 @/PLC/RS 232 C (V24).
The spindle converter is only active in AUTOMATIC, TEACH-IN and MDA modes but not with
The AUTOMATIC basic display does not show that the spindle converter is active. Programming
1) The conversion status (spindle converter) on/off and the spindle conversion list can be
read or written via @311, 312, 411, 412. The spindle number must be entered in binary
R10 = 6000 (Address SD first programmed spindle channel 1)
R0 = 101 (Spindle No. 5)
@411 R100 R0
2) The PLC can alter the spindle groups during an active part program via FB61/62 (see
function macros).
The NC and the PLC, however, run as synchronously. The following block combination must
be written in the part program to synchronize the PLC with the part program:
N10 Mxy LF
N20 @714 LF
N30 S1=500 M1=03 LF
The auxiliary function (here Mxy) in the block tells the PLC that the read-in disable must be
placed here.
The function @714 stops block processing and empties the NC channel buffer.
Now the PLC can read the spindle conversion data via FB62 into the setting data of the NC.
After this, read-in disable must be cancelled.
The block is converted to S2 = 500 M2 = 03 if S1 = S2 is assigned in the active spindle
S1 has been declared the leading spindle. If block N30 were to be programmed as follows
N30 S1=500 M03 LF,
then S1 = 500 would be converted to S2 = 500, but the M function conversion M03 to M2
= 03 would not take place, i.e. spindle S2 would not rotate.
Only if S2 is declared the leading spindle will spindle S2 turn at the speed 500 rev/min in the
above case. Interfaces
The spindle converter can be switched between read/written and on/off channel-specifically via
the PLC with function block 61/62.
The data can be transmitted via RS 232 C (V.24)
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