07.97 7 Drive Machine Data (SIMODRIVE Drive MD)
7.3.2 Drive MD (data description)
Voltage step for generator control
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
30 0 300 V
at once
Input of response threshold of DC link voltage. In conjunction with machine data "Response
voltage generator axis" (MD 1631), this data defines the voltage range for the upper threshold
of the two-step controller for generator operation.
This machine data is described under the additional function "Extended shutdown and
retraction (G420...G426)", see Programming Guide 840C.
Cutout threshold generative mode
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
510 0 580
660 (as from SW 6) V
at once
Input of cutout threshold of DC link voltage. If the voltage exceeds this threshold value, the
motor switches from generator mode back to normal operation.
This machine data is described under the additional function "Extended shutdown and
retraction (G420...G426)", see Programming Guide 840C.
Response threshold emergency retraction
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
400 0 580
660 (as from SW 6) V
at once
Input of response threshold of DC link voltage; if the voltage drops below this value,
emergency retraction responses are initiated according to the operating modes selected in
machine data "Drive modes emergency retraction" (MD 1636).
This machine data is described under the additional function "Extended shutdown and
retraction (G420...G426)", see Programming Guide 840C.
Minimum speed generator axis
Default value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units
0.0 0.0 50 000.0 1/min
at once
Input of minimum DC link generator speed. Bit 3 in the ZK2 register is set if the speed drops
below the value set here. This message is output to inform the NC that the drive operaing in
generator mode (MD 1636) has reached a speed at which the NC should initiate an
emergency retraction.
This machine data is described under the additional function "Extended shutdown and
retraction (G420...G426)", see Programming Guide 840C.
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