Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50 9–49
curve have been correctly calculated and/or have been entered in the correct
input format (caution: MD 1252* uses a format factor 100 larger than MDs 1244*
and 1248*!)
Example for setting a. To derive the actual acceleration
the characteristic The acceleration when passing through zero speed in a circular path is calcu-
lated as follows:
a = v2/r
A radius of 10 mm and a circular velocity of 1 m/min = 16.7 mm/s produces an
acceleration a = 16.72/10 [mm/s2] = 27.78 mm/s2.
b. Entering the characteristic break points
The following accelerations were determined as the characteristic break point:
a1 = 1.11 mm/s2, a2 = 27.78 mm/s2, a3 = 695 mm/s2
The position control resolution 0.5 10 4 mm was selected, resulting in:
1000 units [MS] = 1 mm
The characteristic break points are therefore:
a1 = 11100 units/s2, a2 = 277800 units/s2, a3 = 6950000 units/s2
The following values must therefore be entered in the machine data in the
given order:
MD 1252* = 695, MD 1248* = 2778, MD 1244* = 111
If unsatisfactory results are obtained for very low speed
a. increase the position control resolution
b. raise the smoothing time constant (MD 1256*), values
100 ms are recommended.
c. set MD 1824* bit 0 to 1. However, it must be
remembered that compensation if performed on small
traversing movements (e.g. with µ incremental mode)
with this parameterization.
9 Drive Servo Start-Up Application (as from SW 3)
9.5.3 Conventional quadrant error compensation (as from SW 2)