Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50 9–69
The two displays (Picture 1/Picture 2) can be set by means of this softkey.
Fig. 9.38
Explanation The displays called by means of softkey Display (Picture 1/Picture 2) can be set
in the above display. The displays can be allocated to trace buffers 1 to 4 in the
input fields marked Picture 1 and Picture 2. The scaling can be set separately
for each display to “automatic” (display format is automatically scaled by value
range in trace buffer) or to manual. When manual is selected, the required
resolution and the offset must be entered in the appropriate input fields. The au-
tomatic setting provides an optimum visual display of the measured characteristic
between the maximum and minimum values of the measured curve. The
manual setting allows the resolution to be altered as required in order, for exam-
ple, to zoom part of the displayed range.
9 Drive Servo Start-Up Application (as from SW 3)
9.6.2 SERVO trace display