Service 1
Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50
Explanation This softkey gives you access to the control functions Load, Save and Delete
with which you can load, save or delete a special measurement setting (configu-
Displays/measurement results can likewise be loaded, saved or deleted.
After you have selected the desired file, a selection field appears in which you
can choose the following functions with either Yes or No via the toggle key:
Measurement parameters
Controller parameters drive
Controller parameters NC
Picture 1
Picture 2
This means that you can reproduce settings and displays as you require.
You can select the “Accept configuration” function with this softkey.
Explanation On pressing this softkey, changes to the Power On data relevant for start-up (e.g.
position/speed controller cycle time) are transferred.
Notes This softkey function must be activated after NCK reset (Power On) or after Drive
Off/On when the start-up application is active (acceptance of the configuration is
also requested).The configuration need not be accepted if an NCK reset is car-
ried out when the machine data have not been changed.
If an NCK reset is performed without changing any machine data, it is possible to
renounce to assume the configurations.
You can select the SIEMENS Service 1 function with this softkey.
The SIEMENS Service 1 softkey function is relevant only
for SIEMENS servicing procedures and should be used
only after consultation via the hotline.
9 Drive Servo Start-Up Application (as from SW 3)
9.1.2 Softkeys