Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50 4–35
The parameters below contain the preset values for block generation.
BEASATZNR_FLAG_ The BEASATZNR_FLAG_DFLT word specifies the selection;
DFLT block number YES parameter = 1 or block number NO parameter = 0.
BAESATZNR_STEP_ The value specified in BAESATZNR_STEP_DFLT defines the block
DFLT number steps.
BAESATZNR_START_ The starting address is specified in BAESATZNR_START_DFLT.
These values can be changed temporarily in the ASCII editor. After power on,
however, the preset values are valid.
If an MMC CPU with 16 MB is used, the following line must be inserted in Bed-
conf file (in the user branch) unless it already exists:
l 1 2 16000 1 // Change to 1 only when MMC-CPU with 16 MB RAM LF
ICON 1–5 Three icon fields underneath the system clock are available for displaying the
icons. The first icon field is assigned to the MMC area. (Icon fields 2 and 3 are
assigned by the PLC, see Interface, Part 1).
Mutual exclusion of applications depending on the capacity of the main memory
Because the main memory capacity is not unlimited, some applications are mutu-
ally exclusive.
A termination list therefore exists for every application.
This list contains the applications that must be terminated to be able to start the
selected application.
The possible applications are defined by the following lines in the file BEDCONF:
where MACHINE is the 0th application, PARAMETER the 1st, SIMULATION the
In the WOP and SIMULATION applications the mutual exclusion is defined by the
following lines from the BEDCONF file:
a 2 1 107 ’14’’11’’12’’13’’0’ \
’0’’0’’0’’0’��0’ \
’0’’0’’0’’0’’0’ //TermiWOP
a 2 1 114 ’7’’11’’12’’13’’0’ \
’0’’0’’0’’0’’0’ \
’0’’0’’0’’0’’0’ //TermiSimu-
For simulation this means that if they are running, the following applications must
be terminated before it can be started:
11 DG_PLC (= S5 programming)
12 MDD (= Machine data dialog)
13 IBN (= Drive servo start-up)
4 MMC Area Diagnosis
4.4.3 BEDCONF configuration file