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4.4.4 Color definition tables4.4.4.1 10” color display (up to SW 4.4) 6FC5 103–0ABV2–0BA0
Introduction In the color definition tables, you can define the individual colors by mixing RGB
proportions. The operator system reserves a default color table for each of the
possible system settings in the BEDCONF file combining positive or negative
with color or monochrome mode. These default tables can be activated if this is
defined in the configuration file for the relevant area.
Naming The color tables are named according to the following rules: The last four letters
of the name of all the tables are CLUT; The two letters preceding those are the
code for color or monochrome mode (CO or MO) and the first two letters of the
name are the code for positive or negative display mode (PO or NE). There is
therefore always a set of four tables named: POCOCLUT, POMOCLUT, NECO-
Color tables are ASCII files that can be edited with the editor. A color table con-
tains the definitions of 16 colors, each defined on a separate line. The example
below shows POCOCLUT with its default values. There are global CLUTs and
CLUTs. The global CLUTS are stored in the directory BASIC SETTINGS and the
area CLUTs are stored in the individual areas (MACHINE, SERVICES etc.). By
changing the data in the area CLUTs, you can assign a new color definition to an
individual MMC area (e.g. MACHINE or DIAGNOSIS).
Example Suppose we want to change the colors displayed in the MACHINE area. A zero
(Color and positive is entered in the configuration file BEDCONF (in the global area) to indicate that
display modes) no CLUT is defined for the area MACHINE in the BAPPLCLUTLIST (variable
a211). If we now enter a 2 (or any other value >0), we indicate that we want an
area CLUT to be used. If the same value has been entered at another point in the
BAPPLCLUTLIST, CLUT is not reloaded when the area is changed.
Fig. 4.17
4 MMC Area Diagnosis
4.4.5 Color mapping lists