12 Functional Descriptions 09.01
12.36.9 List of descriptions
Example of a list of descriptions file LIST:
// Conversion of 03.99
// first
TEA1 n
5002.4-7 I=0b1101 M=0b0100
3969.0 I=1 M=0
1 I=M · 0.3937+0.01
3 I=M · 0.3937+0.01
6 I=M · 0.3937+0.01
7 I=M · 0.3937+0.01
9 I=M · 0.3937+0.01
10 M=I · 2.94 – 0.01
// now the axis-specific machine data
TEA1 a
18000.4-7 I=0b1101 M=0b0100
2240 I=M · 0.3937+0.01
// now the channel-specific cycles machine data
TEA4 k
5 I=M · 25.4
400 I=7.2 M=3.1
// End of file
The conversion list acts like a filter which is placed between the target file and the source file
filtering out all machine data listed in the list. These data are converted according to the
conversion regulations installed in the list. All machine data from each area not contained in
the list are taken over unchanged (i.e. 1 to 1) from the source file to the target file.
Special treatment of machine data
In general, in the case of axis-specific and channel-specific machine data, only the specific
base number has to be quoted since the internal loop automatically increases the respective
number for the data. This will lead to the state that conversion is valid for all data. However,
this is not always wanted under certain circumstances. A remedial measure would be the
following circumvention.
a) Example of a special treatment in the case of axis-specific machine data:
// Conversion
// Special treatment of one axis (e.g. 2nd axis)
TEA1 a
2800 I=M · 0.3937
// Special treatment of 2nd axis
2801 M=I · 10
// continue as normal from here ...
2802 I=M · 0.3937
// End of file
By explicitly quoting the data for the 2nd axis, conversion of the 2nd axis is different from all
other axis. It follows that data for the 3rd axis must also be quoted in the list otherwise
conversion is carried out as e.g. in the case of the 2nd axis.
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