6 NC Machine Data (NC MD), NC Setting Data (NC SD) 09.95
6.12.1 NC setting data (NC SD)
R parameter assignment
R0 – R49: Typical application per channel:
Input of cycles and subroutines.
R50 – R99: Typical application per channel:
For calculations within cycles and subroutines. The same local parameters
may be used for nested subroutines. When cycles or subroutines are
called with @ 040 to 043, an R parameter stack saves the data used so
far and stores them after return to the calling program.
R100 – R199: Typical application per channel:
Memory for data which must be accessible for the main programs and
subroutines. R100 to R109 are assigned if Siemens tool management is
used. R110 to R199 are free for the user.
R200 R219: Siemens assignment (cycle converter)
R220 R239: CL800 compiler on WS800 compiler (Siemens assignment)
R240 R299: Intended for internal assignment by Siemens as required
R300: Stack pointer for @040, @041, @042, @043 (set to 301 with each M2,
R301 R499: Stack area for @040, @041, @042, @043
R500 R599: 100 new global R parameters per channel
Use: as for R100 to R199
R700 – R999: Typical application:
Higher-level memory for all NC channels, e.g. for buffering target positions
used by another channel.
R parameter areas R100 to R199, R500 to R599 and R700 to R999 are provided for the user
as standard.
The user can also use the other R parameters if he is not using the associated functions
(CL 800 language, SIEMENS cycles or similar).
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