Axis +,
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Any measurements which may not be complete at the point of interruption are
displayed as well as possible under the Display softkey. No monitoring functions
are activated in this case.
The part program (for circle traversal) and the measurement function are not syn-
chronized. The user can freely select the order in which he starts the part pro-
gram (via NC start) and starts the measurement depending on the application in
question. The standard displays (machine display) can be used to test and check
the traversing motion (e.g. to trace traversal path).
Softkeys Contr.para FDD, Contr.para MSD and Contr.para NC are made avail-
able to allow direct access to the controller parameters required.
These softkeys lead to the list input displays for the NC and drive controller ma-
chine data. The appropriate axes must be selected in these displays by means of
vertical softkeys Axis + and Axis or Drive + and Drive –.
The machine data required for the conventional quadrant error compensation are
also contained in the list input display Contr.para NC. Only a small number of
operator inputs are therefore required to start up the conventional QEC.
You can select the service QEC display with this softkey.
Explanation Important guide quantities relating to the quadrant error compensation of the two
relevant axes are displayed under softkey Service QEC to assist the user further
in starting up the conventional QEC.
Fig. 9.17
9 Drive Servo Start-Up Application (as from SW 3)
9.5.2 Circularity test (option SW 4)