Siemens AG 2001 All Rights Reserved 6FC5197jAA50


5.9.4 Replacing a 2-axis FDD module (9/18 A) with a 2-axis FDD module(18/36 A) (as from SW3)
Specifications A 2-axis FDD module (9/18 A) is to be replaced by a 2-axis FDD module (18/36
A) with a higher current rating.
Module slots: Slot 1: MSD module
(Installation loc.) Slot 2: 1-axis FDD module
Slot 3: free
Slot 4: 2-axis FDD module
(9/18 A)
Entering the Delete the slot for the 2-axis FDD modules with the Delete slot softkey.
drive configuration Confirm this setting with softkey Accept Conf + NCKP0.
Now enter the actual 2 axis FDD module (18/36 A) for the correct slot using soft-
key Select module. Again, confirm this setting with the Accept Conf + NCKP0
Fig. 5.20
Motor selection Select the current motors with the Enter motor softkey. Confirm the settings with
the Accept Conf + NCKP0 softkey.
Note Please make sure that you enter NC MD 3840 and 2000 correctly (assign).
The drive numbers of drives already installed must not be changed, i.e. a new
drive must be given a new drive number.
5 Machine Data Dialog (MDD as from SW 3)
5.9.4 Replacing a 2-axis FDD module (9/18 A) with a 2-axis FDD module (18/36 A) (as from SW3)