Epson Research and Development

Page 107

Vancouver Design Center




GPIO Status / Control Register 1





























GPIO11 Pin

GPIO10 Pin





IO Status

IO Status

IO Status

IO Status














bit 7


GPO Control








This bit is used to control the state of the SUSPEND# pin when it is configured as GPO. The SUS-



PEND# pin can be used as a power-down input (SUSPEND#) or as an output (GPO) possibly used



for controlling the LCD backlight power:






• When MD9 = 0 at rising edge of RESET#, SUSPEND# is an active-low Schmitt input used to



put the S1D13504 into suspend mode - see Section 13, “Power Save Modes” on page 128 for











• When MD[10:9] = 01 at rising edge of RESET#, SUSPEND# is an output with a reset state of 1.



• When MD[10:9] = 11 at rising edge of RESET#, SUSPEND# is an output with a reset state of 0.



When this bit = 0 the GPO output is set to the reset state. When this bit = 1 the GPO output pin is



set to the inverse of the reset state.





bit 3


GPIO11 Pin IO Status







When GPIO11 is configured as an output, a “1” in this bit drives GPIO11 to high and a “0” in this



bit drives GPIO11 to low. When GPIO11 is configured as an input, a read from this bit returns the



status of GPIO11. Note the MD8 pin must be high at the rising edge of RESET# to enable GPIO11,



otherwise the VRTC pin is controlled automatically and this bit will have no effect on hardware.

bit 2


GPIO10 Pin IO Status







When GPIO10 is configured as an output, a “1” in this bit drives GPIO10 to high and a “0” in this



bit drives GPIO10 to low. When GPIO10 is configured as an input, a read from this bit returns the



status of GPIO10. Note the MD8 pin must be high at the rising edge of RESET# to enable GPIO10,



otherwise the HRTC pin is controlled automatically and this bit will have no effect on hardware.

bit 1


GPIO9 Pin IO Status







When GPIO9 is configured as an output, a “1” in this bit drives GPIO9 to high and a “0” in this bit



drives GPIO9 to low. When GPIO9 is configured as an input, a read from this bit returns the status



of GPIO9. Note the MD8 pin must be high at the rising edge of RESET# to enable GPIO9, other-



wise the DACRS1 pin is controlled automatically and this bit will have no effect on hardware.

bit 0


GPIO8 Pin IO Status







When GPIO8 is configured as an output, a “1” in this bit drives GPIO8 to high and a “0” in this bit



drives GPIO8 to low. When GPIO8 is configured as an input, a read from this bit returns the status



of GPIO8. Note the MD8 pin must be high at the rising edge of RESET# to enable GPIO8, other-



wise the DACRS0 pin is controlled automatically and this bit will have no effect on hardware.

Hardware Functional Specification


Issue Date: 01/01/30


Page 113
Image 113
Epson S1D13504 Gpio Status / Control Register, REG21h, Gpo, GPIO11 Pin GPIO10 Pin GPIO9 Pin GPIO8 Pin Control IO Status