The following sections describe these topics:

Create a mailing list (Section : Create a Mailing List)

Delete a mailing list (Section : Deleting a Mailing List)

Access the List Management screen to perform list mangement activities (Section : Managing Mailing Lists)

Use scripts (Section : Mailman Scripts)

Mailman log files (Section : Mailman Log Files)

Create a Mailing List

The Mailman administration page is used for list creation. To create a list:

1.To access Mailman from the Internet Express Administration utility, choose Mailman Mailing Lists.

Alternatively, access the Mailman administration page directly by entering http://hostname:port-number/mailman/adminin your Web browser.

2.The Mailman Administration welcome menu is displayed.

3.To create a new list, click on create a new mailing list.

A confirmation screen is displayed, with options for proceeding to the list administration page or to create another list.

The list owner will receive a mail describing the list created and the list password. The root account will receive mail describing the created list.

The /var/adm/sendmail/aliases file must be updated as described in the received mail.

Creating the Initial Mailman List Using a Script

The newlist script creates the mailman mailing list. This list is the one from which password reminders will appear to originate. Execute the following command and follow the prompts:

#cd /usr/internet/mailman

#bin/newlist mailman

Enter the email of the person running the list:

Initial mailman password:

Deleting a Mailing List

To delete a Mailman mailing list:

1.Log in as mailman/root.

2.Use the following command to delete the created Mailman list:


3.Update the file /var/adm/sendmail/aliases as displayed in the command output.

Managing Mailman

The administrative pages for Mailman are accessed using the following URL:

Managing Mailing Lists

When a list is created, the list owner will receive a welcome note informing the URL to visit for administrative activities along with the list password. The URL has the following format:


126 Mail Delivery Administration